Endocrine Disruptors in Consumer Products: What are the Hazards for Women and Children?

Date: Wednesday, July 27th

Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Location: Luce Hall Auditorium, 34 Hillhouse Ave

A conversation with Dr. Carl Baum

Join us for a conversation with Dr. Carl Baum about the dangers of endocrine disruptors in consumer products. Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that can mimic hormones and may interfere with a number of biological processes. During this segment of the WWN Health Series, Dr. Baum will explain how endocrine disruptors act in the human body as well as clarify which endocrine disruptors may be found in consumer products.  In addition, Dr. Baum will discuss practical tips about limiting exposure, particularly for people of child-bearing age, pregnant women, and children.

Dr. Carl Baum is Professor of Pediatrics and of Emergency Medicine at the Yale School of Medicine. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and of the American College of Medical Toxicology (ACMT). Trained in pediatrics, pediatric emergency medicine, and medical toxicology, Dr. Baum serves as attending physician in the Pediatric Emergency Department at Yale, and as Director of the Yale Lead Program, which cares for children with lead poisoning in the southern tier of Connecticut. Nationally, Dr. Baum collaborates with ACMT as Medical Director of the 5-year, $5.7 million Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit (PEHSU) Program for the western United States. He is a member of the AAP’s Council on Environmental Health, and is co-author of its recently published policy statement, Prevention of Childhood Lead Poisoning.

More information about Dr. Baum:



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