To provide programs and resources to Yale University’s women employees, and champion the exploration and pursuit of personal and professional goals in order to enhance their individual success while also furthering the advancement of the university.
- Provide a community for women from all divisions (service and maintenance, clerical and technical, and managerial and professional divisions) who work at Yale University
- Provide opportunities for professional enrichment, development, and advancement
- Research and advocate for policy improvements that positively impact women who work at Yale University
- Support women who seek greater work-life balance
- Develop and sustain relationships with other organizations sharing a similar mission and goals
- Advocacy: Serves as a unified voice for women issues, with a focus on topics related to educational advancement, work life balance, family enrichment, University benefit.
- Communications: Oversees and coordinates communications to the Yale Community, using an array of communication vehicles; e-newsletter, e-blasts, flyers, posters, and all forms of social media.
- Career Development: Coordinates the yearly programs and events related to professional career development and networking events.
- Family Network: Provides programming and resources dedicated to families as well as opportunities for families to gather together.
- Health and Wellness: Provides programming related to women’s health and wellbeing.
- Mentoring: Oversees the mentoring program, which connects individuals at Yale who share common interests and have relevant professional experience.
- Recognition: Works to recognize outstanding women in the Yale community through WWN’s recognition program.
- Social/Worklife: Coordinates the yearly programs and events related to work life balance and socials.