Yes! I would like to volunteer! First Name * (*Required) Last Name * (*Required) Email * (*Required) Committees * Advocacy: Serves as a unified voice for women issues, with a focus on topics related to educational advancement, work life balance, family enrichment, University benefit. Communications: Oversees and coordinates communications to the Yale Community, using an array of communication vehicles; e-newsletter, e-blasts, flyers, posters, and all forms of social media. Career Development: Coordinates the yearly programs and events related to professional career development and networking events. Family Network: Provides programming and resources dedicated to families as well as opportunities for families to gather together. Health and Wellness: Provides programming related to women’s health and wellbeing. Mentoring: Oversees the mentoring program, which connects individuals at Yale who share common interests and have relevant professional experience. Recognition: Works to recognize outstanding women in the Yale community through WWN's recognition program. Social/Worklife: Coordinates the yearly programs and events related to work life balance and socials. Social Justice: Provides programming that appeals to and supports all the women in our community while promoting equity. (*Required) Communications Sub-Committees * Media and Marketing Data Collection and Analysis Ambassadorship (acting as an ambassador for the WWN for your building/section of Yale campus) (*Required) On which part of campus would you be willing to serve as ambassador? Please describe your building or section of campus below. * Please use the space below to describe any other interests or skills that you would like to utilize as a WWN volunteer. CAPTCHAThis question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.