Event time:
Wednesday, May 19, 2021 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Event description:
Join the Asian Network at Yale and Working Women’s Network for a comprehensive and interactive zoom self-defense seminar! Topics will include: ways to walk through a violent encounter, personal protection options like mace spray and how to use them properly, and car safety tips.
Please note that during a robbery, for the safety of the persons involved, it is suggested to be compliant, and once safely to do so, contact the police immediately with as many details as possible.
This seminar will be taught by Christopher Adamchek, founder of Okami Karate Dojo. Chris has 24 years of martial arts experience, and is a member of the Yale science community.
Free but register in advance
Virtual Private Network (VPN) access is required to register for the event listed above. If you are having VPN issues, the IT help desk can assist (203-432-9000).