April 30, 2020
- Virtual T’ai Chi/Qigong Hosted by Smilow Integrative Medicine - Mondays at 3:00pm: https://medicine.yale.edu/event/64090/
- Virtual Gentle Yoga Hosted by Smilow Integrative Medicine - Thursdays at 10:00am: https://medicine.yale.edu/event/64140/
- Breathe, Move, Laugh! - Recent studies have been proving the age old saying that laughter is the best medicine. In this program, participants will experience why combining bodily movement with laughter is so effective as a way to reduce stress and improve health. This program combines breathing techniques, standing yoga postures and laughter exercises for a truly unique experience. Participants should wear comfortable clothing and shoes suitable for light physical activity. No experience needed. No sense of humor required!: https://bmsweb-h.yale.edu/ords/tms/tms_enrollments.offerings?p_crs_id=6268
- Rise and Shine! Mindful Movement in the Morning - Begin your day with the gifts of movement, breath and balance. Join Danielle Casioppo, Health Educator and Certified Yoga Teacher, for an energizing 45 minute wellness session which will focus on gentle stretching, basic seated and standing yoga postures and yogic breathing practices to increase vitality and joy while balancing the body and mind. Yale affiliates interested in joining, please contact danielle.casioppo@yale.edu.
- The Yale Stress Center is hosting stress relief through mindful meditation classes every Wednesday starting 3/25/20: https://medicine.yale.edu/stresscenter/mindfulness/coping-covid-19/
- Yale Good Life Guided Meditation: https://soundcloud.com/yaleuniversity/sets/guided-meditations-for-the
- The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos - Episode 1: Beat Your Isolation Loneliness: https://www.happinesslab.fm/coronavirus-bonus-episodes/beat-your-isolati…
- Cooper Beech Institute (pay as you can): https://www.copperbeechinstitute.org/
- VIA Institute on Character Loving-Kindness Meditation - Loving-Kindness practice is a meditation that involves directing love toward yourself, other people and all living beings. It boosts self-compassion and positive emotions: https://www.viacharacter.org/resources/social-downloads/loving-kindness-…
- VIA Institute on Character Three Good Things - Gratitude is one of the character strengths that is most connected with happiness. When you are going through a difficult time, the Three Good Things activity helps you focus on what is good in your life to shift your perspective and decrease negative emotions: https://www.viacharacter.org/resources/social-downloads/three-good-thing…
- This Coping Calendar has 30 suggested actions to look after ourselves and each other as we face this global crisis together: https://www.actionforhappiness.org/coping-calendar
- Mindbody: https://www.mindbodyonline.com/get-the-mindbody-app
- Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/
- Smiling Mind: https://www.smilingmind.com.au/
- Stop – breathe – think: https://www.stopbreathethink.com/
- 10% Happier: https://www.tenpercent.com/
- Breethe: https://breethe.com/
- Omvana: https://www.omvana.com/
Calm: https://www.calm.com/