April 30, 2020
Looking for information about making health and nutrition a priority during the COVID-19 pandemic? Check out our curated list of resources below.
Quarantine with a Dietitian - In these short video clips, Becky Purcell, registered dietitian will share tips on establishing a healthy lifestyle while finding a new work-life balance. New videos will be uploaded regularly: https://yale.box.com/s/elzhi8vul07ejgvmeycwcqbpq652vyo2
Being Well Demystifying the Mediterranean Diet - Tuesday, April 21 @12:15-1 pm via Zoom: https://bmsweb-h.yale.edu/ords/tms/tms_enrollments.offerings?p_crs_id=7573
- American Heart Association is offering their popular Cooking in Color cookbook free to download because cooking healthy meals can be a fun way to bring your family together: https://www2.heart.org/site/DocServer/AHA-CookingInColor-DigitalEdition….
- Making Health and Nutrition a Priority During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: https://nutrition.org/making-health-and-nutrition-a-priority-during-the-…
- Make the most of family meals: https://www.eatright.org/health/wellness/preventing-illness/make-the-mos…
- Stock healthy choices in your fridge and pantry: https://www.nbcnews.com/better/lifestyle/staying-home-due-coronavirus-he…
- Central Connecticut Coast YMCA virtual wellness center: https://cccymca.org/blog/2020/03/18/for-your-health-well-being-2/
- Central Connecticut Coast YMCA YouTube channel that is filled with exercises you can follow along with at home: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOGt_IpceP_xQhhCMCrut_A/videos
- American Cancer Society Healthy Eating, Active Living videos that explain how healthy choices can impact your risk, the truth behind cancer myths, and how to incorporate healthy behaviors into your busy life: https://www.cancer.org/healthy/eat-healthy-get-active/healthy-eating-active-living-videos.html
- SNAP-Ed - Once you go to the link below, you will be directed to a brief questionnaire. Once completed, you will be able to access the educational video about physical activity: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=wtTLDNeprEqxNdv95BDg4OYIJcD6o7FMgUGYehfsbNdURUxUR0k0MlJMNkRLWU9CQ1I5UzcxWUFBOS4u.