Parents of Young Children Meet-Up Recap

Parents of Young Children Meet-Up Photo
February 29, 2020

We had fifty guests RSVP and attend our recent Parent Meet & Greet event held January 29th, 2020. The event kicked off with a fun interactive bingo game (thank you Rebecca!) where guests were asked to walk around the room and meet other parents by seeing if they could match anything listed on the bingo sheet. We then broke out into 4 large groups and discussed the following questions:

  • What are your expectations with a monthly meet up like this?
  • What resources would you be looking for?
  • What topics would you be most interested in?
  • Timing/Location?

The common themes found from all four groups were as follows:

  • For networking, it seems as though majority are looking to get out and networking, make connections with other Yale parents, get resources, advice and learn from professionals
  • For resources, a common theme between all four groups was things to do in the surrounding areas with kids/family, parental leave, pre-school/daycare/babysitting resources, and sleep resources
  • Common topics looking to be discussed are: Sleep, potty training, nutrition/picky eaters, self-care, meal prep, developmental milestones, work-life balance, relationships/date night ideas, bullying, going from one to two kids 
  • For timing, it appears that most like the lunchtime hour rotating between one month as mainly social and another month with a professional guest speaker, a centralized location (most did not mind the Development office), during the summer to get outside somewhere

The planning committee is going to meet the end of February to discuss the next steps and will be sending an invitation for something soon! 

More event photos can be found at:…
