Konstantza Popova works at Yale as a Strategic Sourcing Manager for Yale Procurement. In her additional role as the new co-chair of the WWN with Stacey Tuttle, Konstantza is looking forward to continuing to support Yale’s working women.
What are your main responsibilities?
As as Strategic Sourcing Manager at Yale Procurement, I buy professional services and consulting for the university. I review and sign contracts for various schools and departments; conduct competitive bidding, supplier selection and relationship management; negotiate and execute agreements on behalf of the university.
What do you like most about your work?
Working with the entire university. I truly enjoy the diversity of services and projects that I get engaged in—from research and clinical studies, to surveys, management consulting and website development, to bus shuttle services, contributory writing, guest speakers or art curators. Professional services and consulting is such a vast category that touches every part of campus.
How did you learn about your affinity group?
I heard about the establishment of the Working Women’s Network (WWN) in 2013 and attended the opening event. I thought that it was a wonderful organization to be part of. I had participated in a women’s organization at my previous job at Procter & Gamble and saw how impactful such a group could be.
Why did you choose to become the co-chair/chairperson of your organization?
My role for WWN in the past year has been to initiate and lead the WWN Health series. It has been truly rewarding to work on key topics of women’s health and to understand better women’s need for information and support. I hope to help deliver on some of those needs and make a positive difference in their lives.
What are the hopes and/or dreams that you have for your affinity group?
WWN is the biggest affinity group at Yale and I hope that we’ll be able to touch as many lives as possible of the 6,500 women that the group consists of.
What is your favorite quote and why?
“The key to your happiness is in your own hands.” - Dad
“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” - Nelson Mandela
“In the end, only 3 things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.” - Buddha
What is your favorite food?
Cheese, salad, spinach and European chocolate.
What is your favorite pastime/what do you do to release stress?
Spend time with my daughter; fast walk for miles alongside the beach, breathe, do yoga, exercise, sing and write.
By Samuel Suffrard, New Haven Promise Scholar intern, 2017