On Sunday, February 4, 2018, Yale expanded its partnership with the existing life insurance and disability administrator, The Standard, to include leave administration support. Yale will continue to have on-site staff who are available to provide counseling and coaching about a leave as related to Yale policies, benefits and pay.
Changes at-a-glance
- Initiating a request for a leave – new single point of entry and expanded customer service hours
Employees submit all requests for a leave of absence (LOA) by either a phone or online request managed by our partner, The Standard. We recommend employees call: 203-432-5552 and press option #4, to speak with a live representative 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Time Tracking and Pay
Kronos will no longer contain Family Medical Leave (FML) tracking codes. Managers will continue to use the Quick Leaves Editor for intermittent absences, to document pay affiliated with an absence.For those on intermittent leave, s/he is expected to continue informing his or her manager of each occurrence for time away from work due to the approved FML (so that managers have awareness, and can appropriately apply the proper pay in Kronos). Employees will also be responsible for logging time on leave – within 24 hours – through The Standard. Time can be logged by either calling The Standard (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) or entering time in the employee’s online profile located on The Standard’s website.
- During a leave
Employees have access to their own self-service portal. At any point in time, employees can log into The Standard’s online portal to check the leave claim status (received/approved/denied), confirm the start and end date, and view the time tracking (includes a visual representation of how much time is left). Employees can also extend their leave, and/or initiate new claims (to request new paperwork) on this portal. - Employees will continue to work directly with their managers to discuss time away as well as dates for returning to work.
- The Leaves of Absence website has all updated process action steps; explanations of the “types of leaves;” details about STD and LTD; reference Q&A guides, process maps, portal guides (with screenshots) for The Standard’s portal.
The Yale team has staff available to provide 1-on-1 support (phone or in-person with appointment) as relates to pay (timecards) and benefits.