For our new spotlight series, Women on the Move, we caught up with Stacey Bonet, Working Women’s Network Co-Chair Elect, to talk about her recent move to a new role within Yale.
How did you begin your career (either at Yale or before)?
I began my career at Yale as a temp at the School of Medicine. When the temporary position ended my external temp agency placed me in the Office of Public Affairs & Communications where I remained as a full-time employee for 6 years.
Tell us about your current role at Yale University?
I have just started working for the school of Public Health as a Senior Administrative Assistant to the PhD/MS program Registrar.
What do you like most about your work?
I love working with inspiring women. I work for an exceptional woman. She inspires me and others, in a kind, supportive and nurturing way, to be our best selves personally and professionally. I also love working with the students because each is as brilliant as the last and the next. They are solving real-world problems through their educational endeavors and making our world a better place.
What skills, abilities, and personal attributes do you think are essential to success in your job/this field?
Organization, the ability to multi-task, a healthy sense of humor, good judgement, never afraid to ask questions, the ability to think strategically and plan for what’s next, a strong work ethic, professionalism, kindness, compassion, the ability to work collaboratively (I could go on). In a nutshell, be a good person and care about the people you work with, colleagues and students alike.
How does your job affect or compliment your general lifestyle?
My job compliments my lifestyle perfectly. Everything is done in a thorough way and a nice way. I appreciate the culture and the attention to detail.
How did your time at Yale shape your career trajectory?
Working at Yale introduced me to my mentor, it is the reason I work in a job I love. It is why I went back to school. I have learned through the C&T summer training program, I have learned through the courses offered by HR. I have evolved as a person and employee over the past nine years and I look forward to what the next 9 have in store!
If other than your own, what steps would you recommend one take to prepare to enter this field?
I know so many people who have come from so many different backgrounds and we have all ended up here. I think being open to change because that is the only constant around here. I would also work on time management skills because we all use those.
If you could do it all over again, would you choose the same path for yourself?
I would do it all over again because my path led me to my dissertation topic for the doctorate I am only a couple years away from finishing (that I have wanted all my life but I was never sure in what until I worked at Yale). It has also given me a whole university worth of experiences and institutional knowledge I wouldn’t trade away for anything.
Are you involved in any other part of the Yale community?
Yes! I love the Working Women’s Network so much! This affinity group has changed my life at Yale, it has shaped much of my career path here and it has availed me of resources I never would have known about without it.
What does being a working woman at Yale mean to you?
Being a working woman in general (not specific to Yale) to me means I must be cognizant of everything including all of the contradictions. Women are told many things like don’t be too loud or aggressive, as well as, don’t be too quiet or too meek. The thing we are seldom told is, be you, be proud to be you, and to love the women you work with who are facing all the same contradictions, pressures, and pains you are in their own way.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
If you feel like you want to be part of something more at Yale and meet a bunch of inspiring women please join the Working Women’s Network affinity group.
Do you know someone who has recently made a move within Yale? Send suggestions to mckenzie.granata@yale.edu
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