On June 28th, the Yale Family Network hosted Troopers Haglund and Cummings as they shared information about internet and social media safety.
The event attendees included parents and children, who wanted to learn more about the legal ramifications and dangers of the internet and social media.
The Troopers’ presentation covered a broad range of information handy for parents and children during a time when everyone has a device in their pocket. The focus was on building a layer of trust between parent and child that could help families navigate concerns together. Trooper Cummings suggested a social media/phone contract could help build that trust.
Trooper Cummings explained the laws of consent, and how actions one takes today on social media can affect one’s future opportunities.
Although the audience was engaged, some of the event attendees were surprised by parts of the information being shared, but all were appreciative of the opportunity to meet and speak with professionals with first-hand experience of what can go wrong when social media is abused.
Trooper Cummings made a special note that Hartford and New Haven police precincts have provided a safe space to meet when individuals are selling goods through internet sites such as Craigslist, Letgo, and other similar sites. She mentioned prospective buyers/sellers will run less of a risk if they are meeting the other party in a known safe-space.
If you have questions about social media, please feel free to contact the CT state police through any of the following media:
Twitter: @CT_State_Police
Instagram: @CT_State_Police/#CTstatepolice
YouTube: Connecticut state Police