As the organization tasked with the care and support for the well-being of university staff women, we find ourselves, at this moment, on a precipice faced with a decision of consequence for women, yes, but also for black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC). Our options are to continue to benefit from the limited rights rationed to women by the power class or choose to stand up for ourselves, our sisters, our brothers, and BIPOC. The disproportionate killing of our Black sisters, trans-sisters, and brothers due to undeniable systemic discrimination is unacceptable. The number of excessive pandemic deaths, co-morbidity rates, and violence, combined with the implicit and explicit biases in medical care and public services, has culminated in the perfect storm. The WWN community is stating that it is time to end the violence, racism, and degradation of our fellow human beings. But how do we do that? We do it with Tolerance, Education and Understanding From its onset, WWN is committed to uplifting and supporting almost 7,000 women in the Yale community. A community that is still treated as secondary and “other” within the confines of the workplace. While we cannot begin to understand all the experiences of BIPOC and the LGBTQ community, we can support efforts to improve their work lives. How do we, as a community, make an impact on generations to come? How do we embrace the words of Sojourner Truth “A’int I a woman, ” an historic abolitionist and women’s rights advocate? We do it with Tolerance, Education and Understanding We may not be able to change the world, but we can change our community. By uplifting our BIPOC and LGBTQ members within the WWN, we can begin to make changes. We can accomplish this through education. We can learn to understand and appreciate our differences. We can be inclusive and accessible. The WWN commits to providing programming that appeals to and supports all the women in our community while promoting equity.