December 16, 2022
The Working Women’s Network Recognition Award is an annual award that recognizes up to six women currently employed at Yale who have been exemplary members of the community at Yale. The nomination process is open to women Yale employees in the following job categories: Service and Maintenance (S&M), Clerical and Technical (C&T), and Managerial and Professional (M&P). Up to six award recipients will be chosen; one for each of the categories listed below. Nominations may be made until Friday, December 16th.
- A Trailblazer: a woman who utilizes opportunities to customize a new career path at Yale. Nomination Form.
- A Heroine: a woman who advocates, mentors, or nurtures others at Yale. Nomination Form.
- A Visionary: a woman who has been a champion for change at the University. Nomination Form.
- A Community Catalyst: a woman who leads in a volunteer capacity at Yale or through a Yale initiative. Nomination Form.
- A Work Life Champion: a woman who takes unusual or extraordinary measures to help others within the Yale community to balance their work and family lives. Nomination Form.
- An Innovator/Creator: a woman who brings innovation and creativity to the workplace via a new idea, perspective, or initiative within the Yale Community. Nomination Form.
For more information about the WWN Recognition Award, please visit: https://wwn.yale.edu/2023-wwn-recognition-award.