
Building Community: Before, During, and Post COVID

Join the Office of Diversity & Inclusion for a panel discussion with affinity group leaders about building community during COVID and beyond. We will discuss the impact the affinity groups are having on the Yale University brand; how they are strengthening the relationships between Yale and Greater New Haven based organizations; and their impact this past year in terms of culture, career, community, and excellence.

Panelists will include:

When Did Slavery End in the United States for African-Americans?

Join the Yale African American Affinity Group, Yale Latino Networking Group, Future Leaders of Yale, Working Women’s Network, and Asian Network at Yale for a Juneteenth event titled “When Did Slavery End in the United States for African-Americans?” We will be joined by Dr. Antoinette Harrell, Johnny Lee Gaddy, and Stephanie Suzanne Franklin, Esq.

Becoming an Informed and Effective Philanthropist

Do you want to refine your philanthropic plan? Or, are you interested in supporting non-profit organizations and don’t know where to start? Join Future Leaders of Yale (FLY) for “Becoming an Informed and Effective Philanthropist,” a Lean In mentorship session. Our distinguished panelists include fellow Yale colleagues who are experts in the field of Development and Community Engagement, and have demonstrated leadership through their support to non-profit organizations.

Parenting Check-In

Join the Working Women’s Network and Yale Veterans Network for our monthly parenting check-in the second Wednesday of every month from 1:30-2:30 pm via Zoom. The check-ins serve as an opportunity for Yale community parents to check-in, share tips and tricks and concerns about our new normal of being parent(s), continued work responsibilities, and now the additional responsibility of homeschooling and managing the nuances of having babies and toddlers at home instead of daycare. The conversations are a safe space for us to positively communicate and learn and grow from each other.

Self-Defense Seminar

Join the Asian Network at Yale and Working Women’s Network for a comprehensive and interactive zoom self-defense seminar! Topics will include: ways to walk through a violent encounter, personal protection options like mace spray and how to use them properly, and car safety tips.

Please note that during a robbery, for the safety of the persons involved, it is suggested to be compliant, and once safely to do so, contact the police immediately with as many details as possible.

WWN Health & Wellness Series - Food for Thought: Impact of Obesity and Diabetes on the Brain

Do you wonder about the effectiveness of different macronutrient diets on the body and particularly for weight loss? Despite the many options we have, we still don’t have clear guidance about them (low carb vs low fat vs Mediterranean) and not one diet has been found to be better than others for weight loss.

Please join us for an engaging conversation with Dr. Janice Hwang, Endocrinologist and Assistant Professor in the Division of Endocrinology at the Yale School of Medicine, to learn about the impact of macronutrients on the brain as well as her research.

Dinosaurs at the Peabody

Join the Working Women’s Network and the Peabody for a dinosaur event. The Division of Vertebrate Paleontology houses one of the most important vertebrate fossil collections in North America including many of the first dinosaurs ever discovered and named. This behind-the-scenes tour is your chance to see where fossilized bones from well-known dinosaurs like Brontosaurus, Apatosaurus, Camarasaurus, and Stegosaurs are stored. Your guide will be Armand Morgan, Senior Museum Instructor in the Education Office.

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